Mia Foto: where the real and the artificial merge with the help of Books, Pictures, Web Sites and iOS Apps

Mia Foto

Where the real and the artificial merge

The real passes without leaving traces, the artificial gets lost in the mists of times. Just when these two different planes merge our reality is born.
From the .NET bubble to the iPhone
Long, long ago...
all was born at the inception of the .NET bubble where the multi-awarded web site ArtNet Italia was born and brought to success of public, if not financial, as it was customary for most enterprises at that time.

To the present time...
of iPhone apps for a portable experience of the Mia Foto principles.

All on a website: this one!
Mia Foto
These considerations led to the definition of the Mia Foto endeavor, encompassing issues starting from photography proper, with the possibility of purchasing wonderful pictures at premium prices, to vintage web sites in several areas, Book suggestions, and, finally, iPhone Apps, with the associated web presentations, as the ultimate(?!) venue for this process.