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The Eyes and Mind Page


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Did Man
search in the World what he had in his Mind or  start thinking about what he saw. ?
But how came the Mind had exactly the ideas for all the objects the eyes saw? But how could the Mind give a meaning to all the objects the eyes saw if it couldn't match them with its ideas?
Do You
search in the World confirmation for what you think or  search in your Mind an interpretation for what you see ?
This page doesn't want to give you an answer to these questions that are Yours own and very probably influence your whole life. 
It wants simply to provide a step forward from both ends of Idealism and sheer Contemplation following Popper and Photography as your guides.
Popper flavoured Maxims, Explanations and ... MoreNew Main Photo Catalogue
Photos of California
Photos of Greece
Photos of Perú
Photos of Miami
Photos of Sharm el Sheikh

An Across the Ocean Account on Browsers and Machines

The Author 